Thursday, April 22, 2010

Symptoms That Drove Me to Surgery

-Cyclical Pain. This pain would begin about the 15th day of the cycle (Mittelschmerz (German: "middle pain")) It could be described as being sharp and biting for 2 days. Then a dull ache with bloating for the next 10 days.

- Two days before menses symptoms were a debilitating headache, searing pain in the right shoulder,spotting,the sensation of internal tearing and ripping.

- First two days of menses were always a cause to stay in bed. It was a compilation of all the symptoms mentioned above with a very heavy flow.

-For 5-7 days after menses, I felt great. This alerted me that my pain was connected to my cycle, not intestinal related.

After years of spit-wadding my symptoms to doctors, I learned that some types of pain are a red flag. Here are the buzz words that can get you some help.
-Ripping, Biting, Tearing
-Debilitating Headache
-Pain in the Right Shoulder
-Extra Heavy Flow

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