Monday, April 19, 2010

Side Effects

Side effects can be just as problematic as the primary condition. Before making any medical decisions, one should always be informed of the risks associated with treatment.

Side Effects of Hysterectomy

Here are the top ten immediate side effects according to the Hers Foundation.

Personality Change
Loss of Energy
Profound Fatigue
Diminished or Absent Sexual Desire
Difficulty Relating to and Interacting with Others
Loss of Stamina
Difficulty Socializing
Short Term Memory Loss
Diminished or Absent Pleasure During Intercourse

As if those immediate side effects are not enough, there are some biggies that are guaranteed further down the line. Those are heart problems, depression and osteoporosis. If this is already in your family history, then your risk has been multiplied.

Risks of Hormone Therapy
(according to the U.S.National Library of Medicine)

Blood Clots
Cardiovascular Disease
Gallbladder Disease

Side Effects of Painkillers

Narcotics are great at knocking down pain when you need them. However, narcotics do not address the cause of the pain and bring a great risk of becoming addictive.
* Constipation
* Respiratory depression (slowed rate of breathing, one of the more serious concerns)
* Nausea
* Vomiting
* Drowsiness
* Dizziness
* Weakness
* Dry mouth
* Confusion
* Difficulty urinating
* Itching
( listed on the site

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